Toothpaste, Lotion, and a Naughty Two Year Old
My mornings always begin with an iced coffee and making breakfast for the kids. Yes, I know it is freezing outside. I see the ice on the driveway and feel the icy chill as I walk into my kitchen. I can't help it. I LOVE MY ICED COFFEE. I got one at Starbucks two days ago and the barista started making fun of people that get iced drinks, then realized what I ordered when he went to grab my drink. No shame. I am not ashamed of my drink. I'm proud! Sure a steamy hot coffee would warm me up, but I don't care. That's why blankets and scarves were invented.I left the boys upstairs watching cartoons while I made my coffee and their english muffins. I heard Levi crying so quickly wrapped up. When I got upstairs Liam quickly said, "Mom, I didn't do it!" I walked into my room to see Liam sitting in my dresser drawer and a white substance all over everything!
Why would I not want toothpaste and lotion all over my TV and dresser?If you have ever met my mom's side of the family, you will understand when I say I come from a long line of yellers. I am constantly working on my yelling and try to say things calmly to the boys. Yeah... I failed today. I yelled at him and told him to go sit in time out. (We are currently potty training him so he is usually half naked, as he was this morning). He immediately started crying, turned his naked booty towards me, and said, "Mom, I can't! I'm booty butt!" Anger officially gone. I started laughing with Liam.He thinks it's hilarious to be half naked and calls it being booty butt. He knows exactly what to say to get out of trouble. However, I did make him help me clean up the huge mess. Memories.My boys have been getting close lately. I love watching them play together and now make messes together. Levi watched Liam the whole time he was making the mess and as I was putting him down for a nap, noticed he had toothpaste on his hand. He was either helping or Liam planted the evidence.Liam likes being close to his brother too. Levi, well... I'm not sure how he feels about it.
My Multicultural Family: Halloween Hangover Edition
This was our first real Halloween together. Last year, I was huge pregnant, Joel was gone on a work trip, and little Liam wasn't really interested in the idea of Halloween. This year was a completely different story. Liam has been obsessed with this strange day when people give candy to him. What's better for a two year old really? OK maybe I was much more excited about it this year too. I couldn't wait to dress my little babies up.
My aunt, cousins, and I met up at the mall to trick or treat at a few stores before nap time. Apparently, we missed the memo that it started at four not 2. Oh well. What can you do? Luckily, most of the stores were nice and gave the kids candy early.Could you really say no to Curious George, a sour grape, and a calf?
Can anyone guess what my cousin chase was? He is the one with the box... We had quite a few guesses Halloween night and only the kids knew who he was!My son Liam loved it! He had such a great time going around with his cousins. We even changed his cousin's costume title to just a grape, when she perked up. I guess candy can do that to you.As soon as my son Levi realized what was going on, he was super excited! Or when he stole a sucker...
After the mall, we decided to go home, take naps, eat dinner, and start again. We went around a few neighborhoods with my family. It was great until my son Liam saw a dad in a scary mask. He started yelling and looked for him, around every corner, for the rest of the night.He even went up to his cousin and said, "Havensong, there is a scary guy over there, but I'm not scared."I guess he needed to reassure himself. Then he asked if his cousin would protect him. Next year, I think we need to go before it gets dark to avoid the creepy costumes. We went to one house and a dad was sitting on the porch, waiting to jump up and scare kids. Liam and my husband Joel were already walking up when I noticed. I was hoping and praying he wouldn't jump up because I knew Liam would end up traumatized and blaming us for ruining his childhood. The guy put his head up, saw Liam, and put his head down right away.Too late.. Liam started freaking out and good daddy, Joel got him out of there. He may have been laughing hysterically, but he got him out of there.The whole night wasn't scary though. We went up to one house with a sweet, older, Indian woman. Liam went up, looked at her, grabbed the candy, looked back up, stared, and said, "Thank you Naynama (grandma in Telugu)." We all lost it laughing! He thought she was his grandma!Overall, we had a great night, got a bunch of candy, and now Joel and I get to enjoy our first year of eating all of the boys candy. Hey, my parents have done it for years. Now, it's our turn!
Motherhood Expectations
I've always wanted to have kids. It's never been a question for me. I grew up with younger brothers, working in the church, babysitting, and searching for new babies at church to hold. I am completely obsessed with little squishy babies.However, I don't think I ever thought of how much work they really require. I'm not one to complain all the time, but sometimes you just need to.Being a mom is hard work. We are always expected to do things for other little creatures. Here are just a few of the things moms are expected to do...
Motherhood Expectations
You are expected to live off of a few hours of interrupted sleep.You have to kiss every, single boo-boo. Even if they're two weeks old.You're expected to make meals for picky eaters or homemade baby food for babies that decide they hate avocados after you mixed it into everything. Scratch little one's backs until they choose to fall asleep.Determine what's wrong with little ones when the only hint is a blood curdling scream.You're expected to wear dirty shirts because no matter how many times you change in one day, you still find boogers, spit up, food, and things you don't want to know all over them.Answer hundreds of, "But why, mama" and "What's that mean" all day long.Do it for free!
Why Do We Do It?
As hard as some of those days are, I don't know one mother out there that would give any of it up. God gives us mama's the strength and grace to get through every day. I don't how, but He does.I was having a rough day, a few days ago, and my little Liam made it all better in a few seconds. I was sitting on the couch, avoiding the pile of laundry in my room and overwhelmed with my day. He came up to me, asked me to scoot over, put his arm around me, kissed my cheek, and said, "I love you mama."I'll take all the booger shirts, sleepless nights, crying, and questions any day for my boys.It's easy to focus on the hard days. When you experience your next one, I challenge you to sit down with your kiddo, set aside all distractions, and just spend time with them. Remind yourself why you do it, how much you love them, and how their little kisses really do melt all the problems away.
Liam Vs. Chickens
The War Of The Chickens
One of my favorite parts about living outside of the city is the space! I love walking out to my back porch, with a glass of iced coffee in hand, sitting in my little chair, and enjoying my morning. I usually get about ten minutes and then my son Levi wakes up from his morning nap and my oldest Liam is stressing because his current episode of Curious George has ended.Those ten minutes are amazing.Another fun part has been my aunt and uncle's chickens. They have a little chicken coop in their backyard and let them out during different times of the year. The boys and I walk outside and the chickens rush us thinking we have food. Depending on Liam's mood, he either laughs, screams, runs, or chases them.During the summer, Liam had many encounters with them.Before I continue, let's think about this from Liam's perspective. Think about going outside and seeing this large, clucking herd barging up to you. When they finally reach you, you realize they come up to your belly.It's a little intimidating.
One Brave Boy And A Herd Of Chickens
Over the summer, he would go outside with strawberries or some other snack for the day. I've shared my sons obsession with food before with all of you. He's always holding food in his hand. I'd let him go outside and play on the slide because I could see him from my window. One day, I watched him go out with a strawberry in one hand, only wearing underwear, and boots. Seconds later he came inside screaming. I assumed he fell.Then he started yelling, "The chi-chins took my berry!" Oh boy. I tried explaining that they probably thought it was a snack for them. My very vocal child, then rushed outside yelling, "It's not yours chi-chins!" They ran up to him and he ran inside and closed the doors. That was the start to his war with the chickens.Now when we go outside, you never know how he will respond to them. He usually runs towards them, in an attempt to scare them, and when it doesn't work, he runs away screaming.More battles soon to come...