Traveling With Kids
Traveling used used to be so relaxing. I could sit on a flight for hours, enjoying every second of it. I would put my headphones on (to discourage conversation from my neighbor) and throw myself into a good book. I loved my alone time. This continued when my husband and I started dating. Minus the headphones... sometimes. He loved to read as much as I did, so we lovingly ignored each other. Then we had kids...
Now, my flights consist of holding squirming babies, nursing, strapping kids in their seats over and over again, attempting to keep them from kicking the seats in front of them, receiving "special looks" from the people in said seats, and my husband and I staring at each other. Not so much in the "oh I married the love of my life" way, rather the "why in the world did we choose to travel with kids" way. I've seen dozens of ways to entertain kids on flights from Pinterest. They don't work. My kids are little and the only thing that helps is an iPad with a few movies. There's no rhyme or reason why it works sometimes and not others. We do our best in keeping them entertained, remember how much we "love" traveling with kids, then forget how crazy it was, and travel again a few months later. It's just like labor. You experience it, swear to yourself you will NEVER put yourself through that again, forget how bad it was, and repeat the process again. Until the next time..