Road Trips And Toddlers
If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram, you've seen that we're currently on a family road trip! We drove about thirteen hours to California. My husband had a work trip so we decided to tag along. What's better than a road trip with toddlers?Before kids, I thought road trips were amazing. My husband and I even took one for him to meet my family while we were dating. It was so much fun! We didn't have a care in the world. We would stop for coffee and food breaks and then drive for hours without stopping. We even listened to a few audiobooks. It was great. Then we had kids....and we were introduced to toddler road trips.Now toddler road trips are... long. Here are a few things not to do when on a road trip with three kids under four. Expect to get more than four hours into an audiobook.. Even if it's a thirteen hour car ride. Your children will bother you every five minutes and yell your name. MOM!!!!! When you finally take a deep breath and answer, they will have nothing to say. Instead you will need to rewind your audiobook for the twentieth time.
Expect your children to pee during designated potty breaks. You will ask them to try and go to the bathroom. Then through tears, they will sit down, "try," and tell you they can't go. You give in and start driving again. Thirty minutes later your toddler will start melting down and you'll need to pull over in the tiniest town possible. Think you can actually take a nap while your spouse drives. The second you close your eyes, your previously occupied children will start yelling. Mom! Mom, why are you sleeping! I need to tell you something! It won't ever be an important fact, but they will act like it's life or death. Go out and buy a ton of snacks for your children the day before your trip. Save yourself fifty dollars and buy goldfish because they won't touch the trail mix or fruit anyways.
Arrive to your destination and think you can relax. Instead your two year old will strip naked, poop on the hotel floor, and get poop all over your bed....Road trips with kids are much different than road tripping alone. However, if you have to do it, you better do it with cute kiddos like these!