Sunny Days and Muffins
What is your favorite memory with your sibling(s)?
Can Little Boys Survive Their Adolescents Long Enough To Become Best Friends?
Brothers. I have always wanted to have boys. I have six and let's just say, things are never boring with brothers. We had our first two and expected things to be tricky from day one. Nope. They were instant best friends. Liam would always try to "help" brother. This usually meant feeding him goldfish crackers at two weeks old, covering him with blankets, wrestling with a two month old, etc. Even though Levi didn't always appreciate it, it was always in love. Joel and I assumed that meant they would always be best friends. Then reality set in. Don't get me wrong. They still have fun together.
Food is usually involved when they are smiling. Maybe they are just too distracted to fight. There was a change in our house recently. Instead of having two sweet little boys... this one developed an attitude.
Last week, I heard Liam and Levi fighting. I figured they could deal with it because it didn't sound like anything crazy. All of the sudden, Liam started screaming. I ran into the room to see what was wrong. "BROTHER PINCHED ME!" I picked Liam up and cuddled him for a few minutes. As the crying continued and didn't subside, I told Liam he was fine and needed to calm down. He asked me to kiss his owie. Fine. When I looked I felt like the "best" parent in the world. Levi not only assaulted his brother, he bit him! Liam had a huge bite mark. I told Levi biting is NOT OK and this is what I got.
Now they are constantly fighting. Liam is constantly instigating fights with Levi and Levi is always retaliating. We can no longer let them deal with their own battles. Instead we RUN into the room as soon as they start fighting to try and stop Levi from biting. We're rarely successful and Liam is quickly learning not to mess with his little brother. Are we crazy? Now we're adding a third boy to this! Three boys three and under. What have we gotten ourselves into? I expect the next few years to be full of diapers, screaming, biting, hitting, fighting, wrestling, sports, and chaos. Hopefully they make it through their adolescents long enough to become best friends.