New Year's Eve Reflection Game
I love taking time to reflect at the end of the year with my family. We cozy up in front of the fire and talk about our favorite memories for the year and also what we learned from the harder times.The hard part is sometimes you end up blanking in the moment and lose the opportunity to share it with the rest of the family. This year we decided to change it up a bit. We made a little New Year's Eve Reflection Jar.
![New Year's Eve Reflection Game](
New Year's Eve For Our Family
On New Year's Eve our family is going to sit down and answer a few questions. We will write the questions on a piece of paper and throw it in the jar. At the end of the night we're going to sit down and take turns answering different questions.It's easy to want to wish away a hard year, but the important thing is to learn from it. 2016 is full of 365 days worth of memories. There's no way they were all bad. In fact those memories have all come together to make us who we are right now.Take some time to put together your own New Year's Eve jar! Let your kids decorate it or get fancy yourself.
![New Year's Eve Reflection Game](
20 Questions To Ask Yourself As You Reflect Over 2016
Here are a few questions you can write down on your pieces of paper to throw in the jar!
- What was the most memorable part of this year for you?
- How has this year changed you?
- What was your most embarrassing moment of the year?
- What was the most challenging part of the year?
- Describe this year in one word.
- How did you grow this year?
- What new found love did you develop this year? (Type of music, food, movies, etc)
- What was your biggest time waster of the year?
- What is the biggest lesson you learned this year?
- What is your biggest accomplishment this year?
- Which of your relationships grew the most this year?
- What made you laugh the hardest this year?
- What was the best movie you saw this year?
- What New Year's Eve resolution did you not keep this year?
- Favorite place you went this year?
- Worst food you tried this year?
- What was your favorite holiday memory this year?
- What was the best piece of advice you received this year?
- The person I want to be more like this year?
- What is your New Year's Eve resolution?
What are your plans for New Year's Eve?
New Year's Eve Family Fun Link Up
We'd love to see your New Year's Eve fun! Do you have a recipe, activity, or even a fun story about your own New Year's Eve experiences? Be sure to add your link here!