A Letter To My Son
Today is my son's third birthday. I'm overwhelmed with joy and sadness as he grows up. In my nostalgia, I've decided to write my baby boy a letter. Dear baby boy, Momma loves you so much. I've loved you from the moment I felt you in my belly. Feeling you grow and get bigger with every kick. Even in my womb, you had a mind of your own. You were always kicking in the middle of the night, just because you could. Then the day came and I met you face to face. There is nothing to express the joy I felt, holding you in my arms. I sat there for two full days staring at you, kissing you, and falling more and more in love. I didn't know how it would be possible to love someone as much as I love you and your brothers. You make every day worth it. You're sensitive heart shows me just how big it really is. You're heart is so big already, even at three. You are always there for your brothers, daddy, and myself. You're always looking to help people and make sure they know you are their helper. You're impulsive and it shows me you will be adventurous. You'll always look for things that excite you and you're passionate about. You'll always put your heart into everything you do because of that passion. You fight off the "bad guys" to protect us during all of your battles. It shows me you will always be there to take care of those around you. You aren't always a fan of being in the spot light. This shows me you're humble and put others before yourself.
As I sit here, on your third birthday, my mind is full of thoughts of the man you will become. I wonder where your life will lead you.Will you travel the world like your daddy?What will you be passionate about? Baby boy, I can't wait to see the man you will grow into. I want to make you a promise. I promise to always be there for you, always be there to comfort your when you're sad or discouraged, always be there to hold your hand through tough times. and do my best to never criticize you, but to encourage you as you learn. I'm no where near a perfect mom. I'll make mistakes, but I promise to always try and be the best mom I can be for you. You are an amazing little boy and I know you will grow into a strong and loving man. xo Momma