Early Birds, Coffee, And The Secret To Parenthood.
While most people in the little town of Bellingham are sleeping my children and I have already been awake, had coffee, enjoyed breakfast, taken showers, and mediated at least two fights between the boys. All of that by 7 am. Am I proud of this? Feel superior to other parents. Heck. No. I wish I had the secret other parents must be hiding. How in the world do you keep your kids in bed past 7!? I will pay you. I will bring you coffee. My aunt has to drag her five year old out of bed most mornings. I even have her over all the time to have her rub off on my kids. Never works. Instead my kids fall asleep first and wake up first. They wait by the door until she begrudgingly drags herself out of bed.
I'm always asking moms out there what time their kids wake up. Once in a great while I will be pleased to hear a similar story to mine, but usually I leave bitter. Then someone told me a little secret to help keep early birds in their beds.
The clock. Not a clock. THE. CLOCK.This clock is brilliant, if you couldn't catch that from the name. It was also 50% off which thrilled the cheap side of me. This clock glows yellow at night and then turns green at the time of your choosing. Liam is thrilled waiting for the green light.
The best part is that it keeps my kids in their bed all night. All I have to do when they creep into my room in the middle of the night is ask Liam what color it is and he stomps back to bed. Then I hear them in their beds in the morning talking while they wait for the infamous green light. I heard the chattering start at 5:30 this morning. Mommy isn't nice until at least 6 am. I'm getting them used to the light by setting it at 6:10, but as soon as they get the routine down... Mwuahahah. (evil laugh) Then I start changing the time slowly. Maybe I can actually get them to sleep in until 12. Come on a mom can dream right. Fine. I'd be happy with 7. Especially with baby number three coming. If Liam and Levi actually think they can convert this new, impressionable child to become an early bird.... They. Will. Pay.